Explanation of File Contents

Each spectrum consists of a FITS file containing a header and four vectors. The four vectors each contain 25,600 elements and are defined as follows:
  1. A wavelength in A between 1150.0 A and 1949.97 A. These are given explicitly even though the data have been re-sampled onto a uniform wavelength scale. The dispersion relation is lambda = 1150.0 + 0.03125*n
  2. A flux vector in ergs cm-2s-1 A-1.
  3. A flux uncertainty vector in ergs cm-2s-1 A-1.
  4. A data quality flag with a grey scale (10-3 = bad and 1.0 = good). This approximately reflects the fraction of good and bad data used to construct the data point in a coadded spectrum.